CDC Group has developed and implemented a mobile solution for managing the maintenance and repair of power lines and substation equipment at PJSC Energy and Electrification of Kuban (PJSC Kubanenergo), the largest power grid company in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea.
A mobile solution for managing MRO processes was developed on the Optimum platform and implemented in just 4 months - from the date of the contract in August 2018 to readiness for commercial operation on December 20, 2018 at the Sochi Electric Networks branch.
Scaling of the system is designed for all branches of the company (up to 600 mobile workstations), which are connected as they purchase Samsung Tab Active and Samsung Tab Active2 rugged tablets. The power system includes 11 power grid enterprises (Krasnodar, Sochi, Armavir, Adyghe, Timashevsk, Tikhoretsk, Leningrad, Slavyansk, Yugo-Zapadny, Labinsk, Ust-Labinsk). The total length of power transmission lines reaches 90 thousand km. The serviced area is 83 thousand square meters. km, population - more than 5.5 million people.
All mobile devices are equipped with the Optimum Kiosk software - a solution of the MDM / MAM (Mobile Device Management / Mobile Application Management) class, which provides centralized application management according to the rules established by the policy of Kubanenergo PJSC.
The mobile solution for MRO automation implements the process of receiving and performing work according to Orders in full compliance with the "Labor Protection Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations", including signatures with an electronic tag, audio and video recordings during briefing, offline mode and other functionalities that enhance control over the safety of work and compliance with labor protection rules. The solution is integrated with the Production Asset Management System (SUPA) of the ID - Management Technologies company. The personnel are provided with the necessary technical information at the place of work in a timely manner (diagrams, regulatory documents, methods, instructions).
With the further development of the project, the following goals are expected to be achieved:
- Increasing the volume and increasing the reliability of data on the availability, technical characteristics, technical condition and geographical coordinates of power lines and substation equipment.
- Strengthening control over the safe conduct of work and reducing the number of technological violations during the performance of work.
- Reduction of labor costs for the analysis of the composition and significance of the identified defects.
- Improving the efficiency of using the working time of performers.
- Improved quality control and improved maintenance times.
- Reducing the influence of the human factor on the reliability of equipment diagnostics results.
Khuseyn Az-zari says, “It is important to note that the software package we have created fully complies with the requirements of the “Labor Protection Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations” (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n). It has a unique by world standards functionality for mobile solutions in the energy sector. The rapid implementation became possible thanks to the very well-coordinated professional work of the team of specialists of PJSC Kubanenergo, our partner-integrator company ID - Control Technologies and our specialists. The project immediately yielded positive results in the inspection, repair and maintenance processes. Within the framework of the “digital installer” project, our solution has no analogues in terms of performance, breadth of functionality and compliance with the current standards of PJSC “Rosseti” and current legislation. We are ready to transfer to the Russian mobile operating system "Aurora". For her, we already have software packages "Optimum MRO Aurora", "Optimum Mobile Big Data Collection Aurora", Digital Software Platform "Optimum for Aurora". Further development of the project is planned."